In the Powtoon that you are creating, you may want to simulate a swiping effect on a mobile device or tablet in one of the scenes. This effect is easy to create using Powtoon's basic features.
Prefer watching a video?
Prefer watching a video?
- Search for an image of a mobile device or tablet that matches your needs.

- Add the image to the stage.

- Resize the image so that it is as big as possible on the stage.

- Change the enter and exit effects of the image to No Effect.

- Add the image that will be displayed first on the device and resize it so that it fits the phone screen precisely.

- Change the enter and exit effects of the image to No Effect.

- Drag the tag that belongs to the picture on top of the tag that belongs to the device so that they appear together on the stage.

- Search for an image of a finger.

- Add the image of the finger to the stage and position it on the device.

- Create the finger movement:
- Select the finger.
- Click Settings and then A to B.
- Position the duplicated finger on the other side of the screen.

- Change the enter and exit effects of the finger to No Effect.

- Add the image that will be displayed after the finger swipe and resize it so that it covers the first image completely.

- Change the enter and exit effects of the second image to No Effect.

- Define the finger's settings so that it always appears on top:
- Select the finger in the starting position.
- Right-click the finger.
- Click Bring to front.

- Set the objects on the timeline, in the following order, for a smooth swipe effect:
A. The image of the mobile device and the first image
B. The finger movement (1/2 second after the first image)
C. The second image (1/2 second after the finger movement)