November 18, 2019
New Health and Safety Props
A new library, containing props from the health and emergency domains, has been added to the Powtoon Studio. Props in this library include an emergency button, first aid kit, first aid training dummy, defibrillator, and much more. Available to all paid plan subscribers (some props available only to Pro+ and Agency plan subscribers).
⦿ Where can I find them?
Modern Edge look ► Props tab ► Health & Safety library
New Kitchen Props
The Kitchen library (previously named Food) has been expanded with an array of kitchen appliances and cooking tools.
⦿ Where can I find them?
Modern Edge / Whiteboard / Cartoon / Infographic look ► Props tab ► Kitchen library
New Poses for the Omni Characters
Two new poses (available to Agency plan subscribers only): ♦ Working (standing) ♦ Working (kneeling)
⦿ Where can I find them?
Modern Edge / Cartoon look ► Characters tab ► The Omnis at Work / The Omnis