June 15th, 2021
New Featured GIF section
The Featured GIF tab is being added to the Featured Templates section of the Workspace. Get quick access to a large number of templates ready to be exported as a short GIF. Just add your company logo, or some custom text, and you'll end up with a unique eye catching GIF.
Three New Transitions
Enjoy three new Executive transitions that will add the WOW factor to any Powtoon
Vertical Lines Glitch
Blue Flash
Three Panes
New Character Builder Assets
Customizable Football kits, new accessories and more have been released for the character builder.
June 1st, 2021
New Feature : Batch Editing
Now you can easily update the look and feel of your Powtoon with just a few clicks of the mouse. Use the new Batch Editing features to rapidly format your text, background or objects.
Batch editing is being released with the option to change text font, text color, background color and object color.
In this example, every text box using the Montserrat font will be replaced with the Hollow font throughout the entire Powtoon, regardless of any other text formatting.